Uses of Class

Packages that use CompareToBuilder

Uses of CompareToBuilder in net.sf.classifier4J.util

Methods in net.sf.classifier4J.util that return CompareToBuilder
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.appendSuper(int superCompareTo)
          Appends to the builder the compareTo(Object) result of the superclass.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(java.lang.Object lhs, java.lang.Object rhs)
          Appends to the builder the comparison of two Objects.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(java.lang.Object lhs, java.lang.Object rhs, java.util.Comparator comparator)
          Appends to the builder the comparison of two Objects.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(long lhs, long rhs)
          Appends to the builder the comparison of two longs.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(int lhs, int rhs)
          Appends to the builder the comparison of two ints.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(short lhs, short rhs)
          Appends to the builder the comparison of two shorts.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(char lhs, char rhs)
          Appends to the builder the comparison of two chars.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(byte lhs, byte rhs)
          Appends to the builder the comparison of two bytes.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(double lhs, double rhs)
          Appends to the builder the comparison of two doubles.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(float lhs, float rhs)
          Appends to the builder the comparison of two floats.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(boolean lhs, boolean rhs)
          Appends to the builder the comparison of two booleanss.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(java.lang.Object[] lhs, java.lang.Object[] rhs)
          Appends to the builder the deep comparison of two Object arrays.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(java.lang.Object[] lhs, java.lang.Object[] rhs, java.util.Comparator comparator)
          Appends to the builder the deep comparison of two Object arrays.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(long[] lhs, long[] rhs)
          Appends to the builder the deep comparison of two long arrays.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(int[] lhs, int[] rhs)
          Appends to the builder the deep comparison of two int arrays.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(short[] lhs, short[] rhs)
          Appends to the builder the deep comparison of two short arrays.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(char[] lhs, char[] rhs)
          Appends to the builder the deep comparison of two char arrays.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(byte[] lhs, byte[] rhs)
          Appends to the builder the deep comparison of two byte arrays.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(double[] lhs, double[] rhs)
          Appends to the builder the deep comparison of two double arrays.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(float[] lhs, float[] rhs)
          Appends to the builder the deep comparison of two float arrays.
 CompareToBuilder CompareToBuilder.append(boolean[] lhs, boolean[] rhs)
          Appends to the builder the deep comparison of two boolean arrays.

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