Uses of Interface

Packages that use IWordsDataSource

Uses of IWordsDataSource in net.sf.classifier4J.bayesian

Subinterfaces of IWordsDataSource in net.sf.classifier4J.bayesian
 interface ICategorisedWordsDataSource
          Interface used by BayesianClassifier to determine the probability of each word based on a particular category.

Classes in net.sf.classifier4J.bayesian that implement IWordsDataSource
 class JDBCWordsDataSource
          A JDBC based datasource.
 class SimpleWordsDataSource

Methods in net.sf.classifier4J.bayesian that return IWordsDataSource
 IWordsDataSource BayesianClassifier.getWordsDataSource()

Constructors in net.sf.classifier4J.bayesian with parameters of type IWordsDataSource
BayesianClassifier(IWordsDataSource wd)
          Constructor for BayesianClassifier that specifies a datasource.
BayesianClassifier(IWordsDataSource wd, ITokenizer tokenizer)
          Constructor for BayesianClassifier that specifies a datasource & tokenizer
BayesianClassifier(IWordsDataSource wd, ITokenizer tokenizer, IStopWordProvider swp)
          Constructor for BayesianClassifier that specifies a datasource, tokenizer and stop words provider

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